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A member registered Apr 06, 2017

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has issues with using speech bubbles in Ren'py 8.1.1 with the phone and if anyone has found a workaround. Here is the exception:

raise Exception("A speech bubble is being used, but has not been set."

the QUICKNESS with which i got this game....finally DILF and old man hunters receive the meal they have been deprived of

what a lovely game, such a joy to play from start to finish!! the writing is so vibrant and fun, and i loved each and every character (giacomo my beloved and his background was such a nice touch that really brought joy to me as a nb individual hehe)

Wonderful common route - I'm really intrigued by the characters and am excited to know more about their personalities. Looking forward to the full game!!

(1 edit)

orz i cant seem to get any endings except the bad ending? do you happen to have a guide anywhere? i really want to complete the game since it's so cute! T--T